Technological innovation

Accelerate the digital transformation of your finance department


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Technology transformation consulting

Streamline your processes, automate repetitive tasks and improve your organization’s performance

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Structuring your data

Structure, accelerate, cross-reference and secure your data in a database or data warehouse

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Setting up a Business Intelligence system

Visualize your data in customized dashboards and access relevant KPIs

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Deploying a process mining solution

Assess, Understand, Act on your organization’s performance

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Digital product development

Digitalize your organization with a tailor-made solution

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Implement a GRC (Governance, Risk, Compliance) solution

Address compliance issues by making your processes more reliable

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Deploying RPA solutions

Automate low-value-added tasks with RPA (Robotic Process Automation)

Our business and IT expertise for
supporting the success of your projects

Business expertise

Acquired through consulting and financial auditing for companies of all sizes and in a wide range of activities.
It enables us to design solutions for your projects based on a targeted approach to your risks and challenges.


IT expertise

Specializing in the design and development of customized digital innovation solutions, our team will find the technical resources to meet all your IT needs.

Technology transformation consulting

You would like to :

– Streamline processes and facilitate interaction between the people involved

– Automate low-value-added tasks using digital tools, RPA or the development of customized tools

– Improve your organization’s performance.

Conseil en Transformation Innovation

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We carry out an audit of your processes and tools in several phases:

1. Review of processes through exchanges with operational staff

2. Process mapping

3. Suggestions on areas for improvement and changes to be made (lean management)

4. Implementation and/or development of selected solutions and adaptation of processes

5. Continuous improvement of your processes thanks to our technology watch

Strucruration de donnees Innovation

Structuring your data in a database or data warhouse

You would like to :

– Structuring and cross-referencing your operational and financial data

– Speed up data processing times

– Securing and storing your data

– Grant differentiated access to your employees

Our IT teams set up a database or data warehouse to structure your operational and financial data.


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Using a solution such as Snowflake, you can build a Data Warehouse as a SaaS with the following advantages:

– Innovative architecture

– Performance

– Scalability

– Zero management

– Numerous integration options

– Intuitive implementation

– Competitive pricing

– Proven, regulatory-compliant safety

Setting up a Business Intelligence system

You would like to :

– Visualize your data in customized dashboards

– Connect multiple data sources to your accounting data.

– Relevant KPIs and a real-time view of your business

Our multi-disciplinary IT & finance teams can help you set up a business intelligence system that meets your needs.

Business Intelligennce Innovation
Process mining

Deploying a process mining solution

If you want to evaluate, understand and act on the way your business processes operate, Altermès can help you deploy an execution management system (Celonis):

1 – Evaluate: Observe how processes actually operate and identify deviations from standard processes, in order to provide KPIs for the various stakeholders.

2 – Understand: Analyze bottlenecks and gaps, and understand the causes in order to improve processes.

3 – Take action : Monitor process execution in real time, resolve bottlenecks and improve performance.

Development of customized digital products

If you need a tailor-made solution to improve your business processes (e.g. implementation of a SAAS solution for operational data entry and feedback, securing and improving a tool managed in Excel, etc.), Altermès can help you digitize your finance department. ), Altermès can help you digitalize your finance department.

Developpement Innovation

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Our development methodology :

1. Facilitating business need gathering workshops

2. Co-design of customized solutions to meet business needs

3. Advice on the solution’s technical architecture

4. Automation of recurring and/or low value-added tasks

5. Integration into the IS in compliance with existing constraints and procedures

6. Deploying and maintaining the solution

GRC Innovation technologique

Use or develop a GRC (Governance, Risk, Compliance) solution

Regulatory requirements are becoming increasingly stringent: Sapin II, duty of care, RGPD, Sarbanes-Oxley…

Address compliance issues by making your processes more reliable, thanks to the implementation of a digitalized and automated control approach by Altermès.

This improves the productivity of control activities.

This automation can be carried out either by :

– The development of specific solutions based on business intelligence

– Integration of a market CRM solution

Automate low-value-added tasks with RPA (Robotic Process Automation)

You are looking to automate repetitive tasks performed by humans: Altermès develops robots that act on processes such as :

– Purchase to pay: digitization and pre-accounting of supplier invoices, implementation of a validation chain…

– Order to Cash: editing, pre-accounting of customer invoices, sending of automatic reminder e-mails…

– Record to Report: data centralization, automated Excel dashboards, report feeds…


Our latest news technological innovation

Why create a data warehouse with Snowflake?

When it comes to data warehousing, or more commonly, data warehousing, the name Snowflake often comes up. What makes this "Snowflake" so different? Is this the right solution for your company? Why create a data warehouse with Snowflake? We take a look at this solution...

Our latest case studies TECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATION


Discover the tools we use to bring you even more added value:


Matthieu Henry d'Ollières

Matthieu Henry d'Ollières

Chartered Accountant and Statutory Auditor, Partner Altermès
+33 1 88 38 09 80

Benoit Germand

Benoit Germand

TechLead, associate Altermès Tech
+33 1 88 38 09 80

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+33 (0)1 88 38 09 80

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